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To be a globally recognized institution of excellence that sets the benchmark in dental education, research, and patient care.



  • Our mission is to provide a comprehensive and cutting-edge dental education that prepares our students to be skilled, compassionate, and ethical dental professionals.

  • TKDC aims to advance the knowledge and practice of dentistry through research and innovation, and to provide exceptional patient care that promotes oral health and overall well-being.

  • TKDC is committed to upholding the highest ethical standards, fostering diversity and inclusivity, and contributing to the betterment of society.



  • To impart rigorous training in dentistry that integrates basic and clinical sciences, hands-on training, and experiential learning opportunities.

  • To attract and retain diverse and talented faculty who are dedicated to excellence in teaching, research, and patient care.

  • To foster a culture of innovation and collaboration that encourages interdisciplinary research and translation of scientific discoveries into clinical practice.

  • To provide state-of-the-art facilities and technology that support the delivery of high-quality dental education and patient care.

  • To provide comprehensive and compassionate dental care that meets the needs of diverse patient populations, promotes oral health, and improves quality of life.

  • To instill in our students, a strong sense of professional and ethical values, including integrity, respect, and social responsibility.

  • To actively engage with our local and global communities through outreach programs, partnerships, and service initiatives that address oral health disparities and promote health equity.



With an intention of providing holistic health services and quality education to the rural community, Hon’ble Dr. Sudhakar Kore has established Mahatma Gandhi Hospital and Tatyasaheb Kore Dental College and Research Centre at the New Pargaon. TKDC always takes care to render the quality service to his entire stakeholders. For assuring the quality, TKDC has constituted Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) on 01/03/2019 as per the guidelines laid by the NAAC. From the establishment of the IQAC, it became the part of the college and it leads the college in the enhancement of the quality.


Quality assurance mechanism/ initiatives by IQAC:

  • Revision of vision and mission

  • Preparation of strategic plan

  • Committee structure

  • SOPs

  • Policies

  • Feedback Mechanism

  • Faculty development Program

  • Value added courses

  • Quality inputs to the LMC


For the betterment in the quality, IQAC collects input from various committees constituted by the college. In IQAC meeting actionable points are discussed and if any point requires to be forward to LMS or management, then  such points are forwarded to LMC or Management for further action.

In IQAC meeting, member discuss on academic activities, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities, on research activities, on various audits, infrastructural development and on any point which leads college towards excellence.


IQAC: Vision

                To promote quality culture as the prime concern of Higher Education Institutions through institutionalizing and internalizing all the quality-enhancing and sustaining initiatives taken with internal and external support.


IQAC Objective: The primary aim of the IQAC is

  • To develop a mechanism to promote conscious, consistent and catalytic action plans to improve the academic and administrative performance of the institution.

  • To promote institutional quality enhancement and sustenance through the internalization of quality culture and institutionalization of the best practices.


 Composition of IQAC:

              The composition of the IQAC has made as per the guidelines laid by NAAC. It helps the college in planning and monitoring of quality education and quality service providing in oral health service. IQAC gives stakeholders or beneficiaries an active participation in the enhancement of quality of college activities.

              IQAC of TKDC is headed by the Principal of College, senior teaching faculty member has appointed as IQAC Coordinator. Mahatma Gandhi Charitable Trust has nominates two members on committee. Head of the institutes nominates four to eight members from Teaching staff, ( Maximum eight members  may be nominated from teaching staff).two  member from non teaching staff one members form industry, and four members from each stakeholders (Student, Alumni, Parent and Employer). IQAC of TKDC consists of minimum 15 members and maximum up to 19 members.

              The membership of nominated members shall be for a period of three years. The IQAC should meet at least once in every quarter or as and when required. The quorum for the meeting shall be two-third of the total number of members. The agenda, minutes and action taken reports are to be documented with official signatures.

Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of TKDC

(From March 2022)

Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)   

(From 1st March 2019)

Activities of IQAC:

IQAC ensures timely, efficient and progressive performance of academic, administrative and research and development activities.

1. Academic Activities

  • To approves value added program for the department

  • To monitor teaching- learning process

  • To monitor interdisciplinary teaching and learning

  • To monitor mentorship program and activities for the slow and advanced learner

  • To monitor the internal and external examination and its result analysis

  • To conduct various Faculty Development Programs

  • To conduct academic and administrative audit.

2. Research and Development

  • To make MOU’s with industry and other colleges for promoting the research activities

  • To motivates the faculties and students for the research and publication.

  • To actively run the Incubation / Research Centre.

3. Administrative Activities

  • To monitor the feedback mechanism

  • To monitor the e-governance system of the college

  • To form the various statutory and non-statutory committees of the college

  • To monitor the initiatives taken for Green campus

  • To monitor the institutional engagement with the community

  • To monitor Grievance redressal mechanism

  • To monitor the physical and  infrastructural facilities of the college

  • To arrange various administrative and skill development programs for the supporting staff

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